Meetings / Membership


ALL student families, caregivers and Skyline staff are invited to join the Skyline School PTA & attend our meetings.

Meetings are the third Thursday of each month during the school year. You may join in person at the Skyline Library or online via Google Meets. Meeting Links / Agendas / Minutes will be updated below. If you have an item for our agenda, please send three days in advance of the meeting via email to skylineschoolpta (at) Only PTA members may vote on any issues or fund allocations. Skyline Foundation meetings sometimes follow immediately after the PTA meeting.

2023 - 2024
All meetings held at 6pm in the Skyline Library or on Google Meet
Thursday, September 21 - Minutes
Thursday, October 19 - Minutes
Thursday, November 16, 6pm - rescheduled to Thursday, December 7, 6pm - Minutes
Thursday, January 18, 6pm - Minutes
Thursday, February 15, 6pm - Minutes
Thursday, March 21, 6pm - Minutes
Thursday, April 18, 6pm - Minutes
Thursday, May 16, 6pm - Minutes

2022 - 2023
Thursday, September 15, 6pm --  Minutes
Thursday, October 20, 6pm -- Minutes
Thursday, November 17, 6pm  -- Minutes
Thursday, January 19, 6pm -- Minutes
Thursday, February 16, 6pm -- Minutes
Thursday, March 16, 6pm -- Meeting canceled
Thursday, April 20, 6pm -- Minutes
Thursday, May  18, 6pm -- Minutes
Wednesday, June 14 -- Minutes

Under the Local Unit drop down menu, select SKYLINE SCHOOL PTA (PORTLAND)